Friday, October 14, 2011

Swift Justice

Powerful Chants


Hecate, Dark One, hear my plea,

Bring swift justice now, I ask of Thee!

Right the Wrongs that have been done,

Avenge me now, Oh Mighty One.

Turn misfortune back to those

Who caused my problems and my woes.

And heap upon them karmic debt

Lest they all too soon forget

Their wrongful actions, words and deeds

Don't let them get away scot-free.

Bring them forth from where they hide,

Bring swift justice ~ wield your Scythe.

Hasten, Dark One; hear my plea~

~Do what it is I ask of Thee~

Song To Hecate

Song To Hecate

Some say this song was actually written with her in mind... If you know the answer mail me but it fits her

A Song of Hecate
© The Pretenders

Oh, why you look so sad?
Tears are in your eyes
Come on and come to me now
Don't be ashamed to cry
Let me see you through

'cause i've seen the dark side too
When the night falls on you
You don't know what to do
Nothing you confess

Could make me love you less
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you

I'll stand by you
So if you're mad, get mad
Don't hold it all inside
Come on and talk to me now
Hey, what you got to hide?
I get angry too
Well i'm a lot like you

When you're standing at the crossroads
And don't know which path to choose
Let me come along
'cause even if you're wrong

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Take me in, into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you

And when...

When the night falls on you, baby
You're feeling all alone
You won't be on your own

I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you

I'll stand by you

Take me in, into your darkest hour
And I'll never desert you
I'll stand by you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you
Won't let nobody hurt you
I'll stand by you

Charge of the Dark Mother

Charge Of Hecate

Charge of the Dark Goddess, Hecate

I am the Queen of Magick, hidden in the deepest night.
I am the mystery of the other world and the fear that coils
about your heart in the times of your trial. I am the soul of
nature that gives form to the Universe.

My torches light the way for enlightenment and illumination.
My sickle of death cuts away things that are dead & no longer needed
It is I who awaits you at the end of your spiral dance.
I am She who has no secrets but a thousand secrets.
I am the aged Old Crone of Darkness who face of death
portends life anew and filled with Luna's secrets.
All acts of magick and mysteries are my rituals and
My greatest ritual is love itself.

You who seek to remove My veil and know My true face,
Know that all your questing and efforts are for not,
Until thy own face beholds and knows the mysteries of they own self.
For you to truly know Me, you must look in your own heart
and know and accept thy self.
For those of you who call upon Me
and My powers for magick, beware!

For My magaick is swift and without regards to the consequences.
Those that know Me shall glide safely through troubles,
For it is My dark cloak of protection that is wrapped about you.
Close your eyes My child and call to me, for I am there,
within your Darkness.

Samhein Ritual

from Hecates Cauldron


(which can also be done during any Dark Moon)

When performing a Samhain ritual, many Witches invoke Hecate, as Samhain is a time when the veils between the worlds are at their thinnest. The living and the dead co-mingle, and we can talk to departed souls and learn the mysteries of Hecate’s kingdom. For this is Her festival, just as the dead are her realm. Sacred to Hecate are fish and eggs. Hecate suppers were left where three roads crossed as gifts for the Goddess. Hecate, who leads us into wild places, blood rites, decay and death, howling wolves and the dark moon. At the ending of the year, old grievances should be resolved, debts torn up or paid, the slate wiped clean, ready for the new year. Hecate’s tree is the willow which is also sacred to the Moon. The willow is the tree of enchantment. Owls are sacred to Hecate and screech their loudest in November and then are silent until February. They are messengers to Hecate and She has given them the gift of prophecy, hence their reputation for wisdom, the crone wisdom of the Goddess.

You can burn sage incense, cloves, cinnamon, or other incenses that correspond to Hecate and the season. You can burn mugwort and mandrake as well.


Cast the Circle either by using the one provided in this website or your own in the usual manner and then invoke the Goddess, Hecate, pounding the earth or floor. Whisper at first, then grow louder and louder........

Hecate, Hecate, Hecate, Hecate!
Goddess of the marsh and heathland
Goddess of the sacred crossroads.
Crone Goddess of Wisdom
bringer of death, scavenger of souls
Queen of the Night, Lady of the Underworld,
I call upon you........

(Now howling, beating the ground, banging drums and wailing, bring up the Goddess from the land of the Dead.

Sweet mystery, dark knowledge
Hidden wisdom
Bringer of chaos and madness
We seek to enter your world----to know you.
We bring libations, we bring offerings
Show us your darkened face,
Your blood wise mystery
Lead us into the shadows
into the darkest night

Now sit in silence and see yourself sitting in a sacred circle out in the woods. There is a briskness in the air. In the middle of your circle is a fire burning and you can smell the burning of the wood and the heat from the fire. A cauldron sits hanging over the fire with a bubbling brew in it. The sweet scent of sage fills your nostrils. Everything is still....nothing moves. All you hear are the creatures of the night.

Suddenly, the energy shifts, and you feel as if someone is there. The air begins to stir, and you feel a slight breeze across your face. The dried leaves on the trees begin to rustle and then the wooded forest seems to open on its own accord.

Out walks three hounds. They seem wild, but something tells you not to be afraid on them. The hounds walk into your circle, and although they sit, they are forever watchful. Each one is looking in a different direction. The breeze really picks up now, and as you watch, out from the forest comes friends and family you have known from other lifetimes, and in this lifetime, but have passed over, and they come into your circle. Sit and wait to see if any of them come to talk with you, giving you a chance to clear things up, or to say the words that remained unspoken when they passed over. If nothing is said, do not worry. They are there to let you know that you are never really alone.

As you feel comforted at that, you notice movement from the corner of your eye that someone is coming out from within the forest. The trees seem to part on their own. You watch as as an old woman walks out from the forest with an owl perched on her arm. You are drawn to her eyes, which seem to be deep dark pools of wisdom. She walks with a cane made from a Yew tree with a crystal sitting on top of it, and feathers are hanging down the side. You know from the power that resonates from this woman that She is Hecate.

She lifts her arms, and the Owl leaves her to fly over to you. Listen to the words of wisdom of what the owl has to share with you.

After a few minutes have passed, Hecate approaches, and as She does so, her face keeps changing from maiden, to the mother, and to the crone, because there are many faces of Hecate, as She is the three and the one. As She stands before you, her face stops changing and rests the way you see Her. You look deep into her eyes and you see the key that unlocks the door to the mysteries. As you look deep within, you realize that it is the reflection of your own eyes that you see with the key and that you yourself hold the key to unlock those mysteries. You realize that it is you who has to look within your own soul for the answers.

She then takes your hand and leads you over to the big cauldron and motions for you to look into the deep pool of darkness to see what you need to see or need to know. After you have done this, She turns you around to walk back to where you were sitting, but as you do so, you notice that the forest has opened up once again and that everyone is leaving. The hounds are sitting at the edge of the woods waiting for their Mistress. Hecate smiles at you, and assures you silently that everything will be all right. You then realize that She has always been with you. She turns to leave and as She does so, She lifts up her arm and the Owl flies down to once again perch on Her arm. After She has gone, you sit and think of all that you have learned this very magickal night. You hear the howling of the hounds, and this awakens you from your meditation.

Do the libation to Hecate and and magick which you wish to perform on this most magickal night of the year. Then close the circle in the usual manner.

Permission must first be granted before use of any material from this website as well as providing a link back to Hecate's Cauldron if used for any kind of teaching purposes.

Blessed Be,
~Lady Hecate~

Monday, October 10, 2011

Some Hecate Facts

History Of Hecate

(hĕk´symboltē, hĕk´ĭt) , in Greek religion and mythology, goddess of ghosts and witchcraft
. Originally she seems to have been an extremely powerful and benevolent goddess, identified with three other goddesses–Selene (in heaven), Artemis (on earth), and Persephone (in the underworld). From the three supposedly came her image in Greek art as a figure with three bodies or three heads. Generally she is identified as a spirit of black magic, Persephone's attendant, with the power to conjure up dreams, phantoms, and the spirits of the dead. In the upper world she haunted graveyards and crossroads and was invisible to all eyes except those of the hounds who attended her.

A Greek goddess, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, but of uncertain origin. She appears to have been one of the original Titans, who ruled the heavens, earth, and sea and could bestow gifts on mortals as they pleased. Later she was confused with other goddesses until she became known as a mystic goddess having all the magic powers of nature at her command. Magicians and witches sought her aid, and sacrifices of dogs, honey, and female black lambs were offered to her where three ways met, at crossroads, or in graveyards. Festivals were held in her honor annually at Egina.
In appearance she was frightful, and serpents hung hissing around her shoulders. As a dark goddess of ghosts and moonlight, her propitiation was an early form of black magic and witchcraft. In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Hecate is the leader of three witches who plot Macbeth's downfall.

In the earliest societies that revered the Moon as the Goddess, the third dark phase was personified as the Dark Goddess---wise, mysterious, and compassionate. The story of the Dark Goddess begins thousands of years ago in a time before recorded history, when the Moon was worshiped as a primary feminine divinity. The Dark Moon Goddess was loved and honored, and they accepted Her wisdom and Her mystery teachings of the dark. In her wisdom, which arises from experience, she encompasses the season of Winter and the underworld. Grounded in Her inner strength, the Dark Moon Goddess is filled with compassion and understanding. The Crone is the Sorrowing Mother who dispenses justice with both love and sadness. The Crone knows the laws must be upheld, but this does not keep Her from feeling sorrow when the verdict appears harsh to us. Injustice and imbalance, whatever forms, are detested by Her. We may not understand or see the balancing of life’s scales, but the Crone never rests until those scales are balanced.

She rules over the magickal arts, secret knowledge, and oracles. Her animal totems are those which live below the earth such as snakes, serpents, dragons; animals of the night, owls, ravens, crows and horses.

My point in this post is for you to begin to understand the dark mother. I dont understand her fully and probably never will. She is loyal to us she has many mysteries open yourself to her dont be afraid of her darkness because it lives within us all

 Her Mysteries include the contacting of spirits. It is through Her that we learn to prophesy, seeing clearly backward and forward through time. If we do not acknowledge the Crone, how can we "remember ourselves." Through the Dark Mother, and the records of our past lives, we learn the necessity of focusing our energy onto important things such as spiritual growth, living our lives the best we can and seeking the Goddess within. She does not seek us, we have to seek her. When we have finally reached the Divine center and sit at the Mother’s feet to receive knowledge, the Crone appears and beckons. The Dark Mother guides us with Her lantern of ultimate truth and wisdom, not running ahead as does the Maiden, but just before us with a firm, confident step. She teaches us that there are unlimited treasures within the treasures. We must seek the Crone for our magickal teachings, psychic powers and prophetic knowledge. These are things the Witch could never obtain in her day to day life. It is the night and to the Crone that she must turn to. The Crone holds the key of life; She is the light within the darkness, the Power behind the Mother’s throne. With Her aid, our eyes are opened to the deepest of spiritual mysteries, and we gain the knowledge that is needed.

As I always say I am a work in progress i listen to her voice it is often gentle. Sometimes very strong but always having my best interest in mind. She is the protector of us all.


Sunday, October 9, 2011

Meditation to meet the Dark Mother

Finding Our Dark Mother

Hekate in the Underworld

Pathworking by David Rankine

Sit down, close your eyes and relax, finding a comfortable breathing rhythm. In your mind’s eye see yourself as you are now sitting in the room. Fix this image in your mind’s eye, so you can see yourself clearly, as you are in the room. Be aware of the walls around you, the floor below and the ceiling above. As you see yourself in the room, see a white mist start to fill the room, rolling in, becoming more and more dense until all around you is white mist, you are surrounded by white mist.

And now the white mist starts to disperse, fading away and leaving you standing on rocky terrain, in front of a cave mouth. Standing to the left of the cave mouth is a yew tree, and to the right of it is a white statue of Hekate, bearing a torch in her left hand and pointing to the yew tree with her right hand. As you take in your surroundings, a beautiful young maiden steps out of the cave, wearing a white tunic, with brown hair and eyes. She offers you two silver coins, obuli to pay the ferryman, you realise. She points at the tree and tells you to pluck a sprig of yew from the tree. When you encounter Kerberus, you must hold the sprig of yew in front of your mouth and blow through it into his nostrils to calm him down.

You thank the maiden and she again gestures, this time into the cave, and tells you that is where your journey will lead you, down into the underworld. You walk past her into the cave, which is lit by torches in brackets on either side, along the walls, and you see that the cave narrows to a tunnel about twenty yards into the rock-face. You walk into the cave and start to walk into the tunnel. The tunnel is lit with torches in brackets on alternate walls every thirty yards, and as you walk you notice that the tunnel is gently sloping downwards. You keep walking, and the slope of the tunnel becomes steeper.
After a while you hear the sound of running water ahead, like a rushing river. The tunnel opens out into a mighty cavern, with a huge river running through it. Looking across the cavern you can just make out the other side, through a mist which rises off the water. As you stand at the riverbank, a boat appears through the mist, punted across by a black-robed figure. The boat reaches the bank where you stand, and the tall, black robed figure, whose face is hidden in the cowl of his robe, silently extends his hand. You realise this is Chiron, the ferryman, and offer him a silver obulus as you get in the boat.
Silently he punts the boat across the water, and as he does so you glance down through the light mist into the water. Spectral figures float in the water, and you know these are the souls of those who cam without the coin to pay the ferryman, and who cannot cross the river Styx to continue their journey. You look up again and see you have reached the other bank of the wide river. As the boat stops, you thank Chiron, who does not reply, and disembark, onto the bank. There is another tunnel in the cavern wall, leading away. This tunnel is lit in the same manner with alternate torches, but it has a flat floor and does not slope.

You walk along the tunnel, with some trepidation as you can hear a loud barking, like several large fierce dogs. However you keep walking and soon the tunnel opens out into another cavern. At the far side is another tunnel, but in front of it stands a huge three-headed black dog. He is growling and barking at you with each of his heads, but you notice there is a chain around his middle neck, which is tied to the wall. Heartened by this you approach, holding the sprig of yew in front of your mouth.

As his middle head darts down at you, you breathe through the yew into his nostrils, and he immediately calms down and goes silent. He seems to have lost all interest in you, so you hurry past him into the tunnel. This tunnel only continues a short distance before it opens up into a huge cavern, its ceiling so high you cannot see it. The walls have a myriad of different colour crystals embedded in the rock, and a marble plinth in the centre of the cavern bears a silver bowl with a blue flame burning in it. The light from the flame is reflected by all the different coloured crystals and reflected throughout the cavern, filling it with a rainbow of light.

You approach the altar, but as you come close to it, the altar disappears and the beautiful figure of Hekate stands in its place. She wears a simple white tunic and a silver circlet in her hair which is embedded with diamonds that shine like stars, or perhaps they are stars. A girdle with a ring of keys on hangs around her waist. Yet despite the disappearance of the flame and the plinth, the cavern is still filled with the rainbow hues of light reflected by the crystals.

Hekate smiles at you and points to the far wall behind her. Amongst the crystals you can see a simple lead-rimmed circular mirror hanging on the wall at head height. As you approach the mirror, Hekate’s voice follows you, and she says “This is a mirror of visions. You may look into it and see the past, the future, other times and other lives. It is for you to work your will on the mirror and see what secrets it will divulge.”
You stand for some time gazing into the mirror, seeing visions and endeavouring to call up images that you need to see. After a while Hekate speaks again, and tells you it is time to depart now. You turn to face her, and realise you do not have a gift for her, as you will need your other coin to cross the Styx again, and you might need the yew sprig again. Looking at the play of a smile on her lips, you know Hekate is aware of your predicament. She tells you, “The best gift you can give me is to follow my ways and spread the mysteries, radiate magic in your actions, and make the world a better place through your deeds.”

Pledging to do so, you thank Hekate and with a backward glance at her, you walk towards the entrance you came in through. You walk down the tunnel into the cavern where Kerberus now lies on the floor. He ignores you as you speed up your pace and hurry across the cavern and down the next tunnel to the bank of the river Styx. The silent figure of Chiron is waiting in his boat to take you back across the river, and as you step into the boat you hand him the second obulus.

Chiron punts the boat across the river and soon you are back at the other bank. You disembark and thank him for his service, but he ignores you and silently punts off into the mist. With a shrug you start to walk up the steeply sloping tunnel towards the surface. As you walk the slope of the tunnel decreases and becomes gentler.

  Soon it has levelled out and you are standing once more in the cave opening out to the world. You walk out of the cave and gaze at the yew tree on your right. You approach the tree and hold the sprig of yew to the branch where you removed it. The sprig reattaches itself as if it was never plucked. Turning around you look again at the statue, and see that Hekate is no longer pointing at the yew, but holds a torch in each hand.

As you stare at the beauty of her statue, and consider how lifelike it is, you notice a white mist rolling in, becoming more and more dense, surrounding you and obscuring your surroundings, so you can no longer see the statue or the tree, or the cave. All around you is white mist. And now the mist starts to disperse, and as it does so you see once more the walls around you, the ceiling above and the floor below. You become aware of yourself in the room once more. You have returned from your journey to meet Hekate in the underworld. Open your eyes and record your experience.

)0(Hecate )0(

The Dark Mother

Attributes: Wisdom, magic, prophecy, mystery, regeneration, eternity.

Her Wisdom: Call upon me to claim your psychic power as a wise woman and the keeper of women's ancient mysteries. Remember the importance of honoring the dark, for only then can we participate fearlessly in the joys and challenges of life.

Hecate teaches us an important lesson, which is that the feminine should be valued for itself, not because it brings sexuality or power, but because deep within it there is an eternal wisdom. Hecate is also the High Priestess, the keeper of the Mysteries. Hecate is not the priestess who seeks the inner knowledge, but High Priestess who has found it and imparts it to others.

Hecate, who sits enthroned before the Veil of the Temple as the High Priestess, the card in the Tarot which is ruled by the Moon. To reach daylight on the other side of the Veil, we must all become at one with the Dark Mother of the night. Whether it be Hecate guarding the home or of the temple,

 She will avert evil and provides protections a triple Goddess, Hecate represents Maiden, Mother and Crone; mind, body and refuse to acknowledge.

   Many ignore the wisdom, the strength and the truth of Hecate because our fear of the darkness is so strong. Hecate is associated with the dark side of the moon, but this is the true Moon. The Moon has no light of its own, only reflected light from the sun. Dark is the Moon's true color as is Hecate's. Although most see Hecate as the third phase of the moon, She is actually a Triple Goddess in her own right.

  She is Hecate the maiden, Hecate the Mother, and Hecate the Crone. Hecate can be called upon during any moon phase, as She is the One and the Three. In pronouncing her name, in the Greek language the "H" is silent. So, to properly pronounce her name is "E-CA-TA" or "e-CO-ta."

Hecate enforces feminine independence from masculine influences and this deals in all things including the religion known as Wicca. Wicca is heavily influenced by the male God. The Sabbats are centered around the male God. The word Wicca is a male term....a term connected to the Goddess religion. 

Hecate is the Darksome Mother, in both the positive and in the negative sense. To those that dare to welcome Her, she brings creative inspiration. She is Hecate Antea, the Sender of Nocturnal Vision, and, typically of a Moon Goddess. She is Hecate Trivia, Goddess of the Crossroads.

 I am Mistress of the Night~The Three and the One
I am the Moon, the Sea, and Mother Earth
I am all that was, and is, and ever shall be.
I am the gentle breeze and the rain which nurtures all living things
I am all these things and more.
I have been with you from the beginning

and I shall be with you at the end of time~

As I grow older I identify with Hecate my dark mother more all the time. She is always for the underdog and remember before asking her to do something for you be very clear and certain as she will go after it with a vengance.

Hecate most times gives us what we need and not always what we want. No Matter what you will know that you have been touched by her

Before asking her to balance the scales between you and anyone make sure you have not intentionally harmed the other person because the scales will be balanced. This is good if you have been wronged but not if your doing with bad intentions.

She can only be envoked at night. Here are some way to honor her

To honor Hecate, erect her three-faced image at a crossroads where three roads meet.
 This is also where offerings to her are left, at Full Moon

. Honey, menstrual blood, roast meat, graveyard dirt

 (ground patchouli leaves, alone or mixed with other dried herbs), and eggs and onions\ that have been used to absorb negative vibrations in the home, are all suitable offerings to Hecate. Red wine, honey, and willow water, an infusion of
 willow bark, are appropriate for libations to her.

Charge of the Dark Goddess, Hecate

I am the Queen of Magick, hidden in the deepest night.
I am the mystery of the other world and the fear that coils
about your heart in the times of your trial. I am the soul of
nature that gives form to the Universe.My torches light the way for enlightenment and illumination.
My sickle of death cuts away things that are dead & no longer needed
It is I who awaits you at the end of your spiral dance.
I am She who has no secrets but a thousand secrets.
I am the aged Old Crone of Darkness who face of death
portends life anew and filled with Luna's secrets.
All acts of magick and mysteries are my rituals and

My greatest ritual is love itself.You who seek to remove My veil and know My true face,
Know that all your questing and efforts are for not,
Until thy own face beholds and knows the mysteries of they own self.
For you to truly know Me, you must look in your own heart
and know and accept thy self.

For those of you who call upon Me
and My powers for magick, beware!
For My magick is swift and without regards to the consequences.
Those that know Me shall glide safely through troubles,
For it is My dark cloak of protection that is wrapped about you.
Close your eyes My child and call to me, for I am there,
within your Darkness.


Useful Spell

The Well of Forgiveness

You'll Need:
Red ink
Piece of paper
Small jar

To enable you to forgive someone who has wronged you, write their name nine times with red ink on the piece of paper.
Place the paper into the jar and pour vinegar over the paper, covering it. (No need to fill the jar with vinegar.)
Secure the lid on the jar.
You may wish to melt some wax around the lid, but that is optional.
Bury the jar away from your home.

Cant We All Get Along

The Way I see it
I have never written a blog before. something happened to me this morning that made me wonder what in the heck is going on with people

Every religion I know says we should give love to all people. We wiccan/witches/pagans take it a step further and believe that we are to give love to all beings on the earth.

Christians believe that Jesus greatest commandment was to walk in love and if you didnt then you could expect nothing from him

I recently joined twitter and a man bashed me to pieces because I didnt believe the way he did. It made me think.....  Christians are always the ones trying to convert people to their religion why would you want to  be a part of something that the people cant even get along with themselves.

Does christian not stand for christ like? Again what I know of Jesus it was people like me that he would have sat down and had dinner with. He would not have judged me.

I dont have a soft skin I am very rough on the outside i am used to being bashed. I am writing this first post in my blog so that I can in a loving way  get this frustration out and not take it out on anyone.
I love my path it brings me great peace. I am accepted by people that although pagans their beliefs differ from mine but guess what we dont try to convert or tell you that your way is wrong

We live at peace with nature humans animals and yes we have spirit guides angels and ancestors that help us along the way

we dont have the loop holes that christians have we take responsibility for our actions cause for every action there is a reaction

I am truly not bashing christians I just hope that as this blog grows some will read it and see that maybe they are putting God in a small box.

There are many aspects all Gods are one God. That is another thing.... Why can christians have the Father son and holy spirit that is three right? But when we say a different name to a diety we are blaspheming and going to the hell we dont believe in.

I want to try and enlighten christians of my path as they surely make theirs known to me

We are a peaceful people I dont hear of many pagans marching because someone wanted the right to choose what happens to their own body

This is the code we live by and do see our one commandment.... Do as ye will and harm none

Wiccan Rede

Bide within the Law you must, in perfect Love and perfect Trust.

Live you must and let to live, fairly take and fairly give.
For tread the Circle thrice about to keep unwelcome spirits out.
To bind the spell well every time, let the spell be said in rhyme.
Light of eye and soft of touch, speak you little, listen much.
Honor the Old Ones in deed and name,
let love and light be our guides again.
Deosil go by the waxing moon, chanting out the joyful tune.
Widdershins go when the moon doth wane,
and the werewolf howls by the dread wolfsbane.
When the Lady's moon is new, kiss the hand to Her times two.
When the moon rides at Her peak then your heart's desire seek.
Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail.
When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.
When the wind comes from the South, love will kiss you on the mouth.
When the wind whispers from the West, all hearts will find peace and rest.
Nine woods in the Cauldron go, burn them fast and burn them slow.
Birch in the fire goes to represent what the Lady knows.
Oak in the forest towers with might, in the fire it brings the God's
insight. Rowan is a tree of power causing life and magick to flower.
Willows at the waterside stand ready to help us to the Summerland.
Hawthorn is burned to purify and to draw faerie to your eye.
Hazel-the tree of wisdom and learning adds its strength to the bright fire burning.
White are the flowers of Apple tree that brings us fruits of fertility.
Grapes grow upon the vine giving us both joy and wine.
Fir does mark the evergreen to represent immortality seen.
Elder is the Lady's tree burn it not or cursed you'll be.
Four times the Major Sabbats mark in the light and in the dark.
As the old year starts to wane the new begins, it's now Samhain.
When the time for Imbolc shows watch for flowers through the snows.
When the wheel begins to turn soon the Beltane fires will burn.
As the wheel turns to Lamas night power is brought to magick rite.
Four times the Minor Sabbats fall use the Sun to mark them all.
When the wheel has turned to Yule light the log the Horned One rules.
In the spring, when night equals day time for Ostara to come our way.
When the Sun has reached it's height time for Oak and Holly to fight.
Harvesting comes to one and all when the Autumn Equinox does fall.
Heed the flower, bush, and tree by the Lady blessed you'll be.
Where the rippling waters go cast a stone, the truth you'll know.
When you have and hold a need, harken not to others greed.
With a fool no season spend or be counted as his friend.
Merry Meet and Merry Part bright the cheeks and warm the heart.
Mind the Three-fold Laws you should three times bad and three times good.
When misfortune is enow wear the star upon your brow.
Be true in love this you must do unless your love is false to you.
These Eight words the Rede fulfill:
"An Ye Harm None, Do What Ye Will"