Sunday, October 9, 2011

)0(Hecate )0(

The Dark Mother

Attributes: Wisdom, magic, prophecy, mystery, regeneration, eternity.

Her Wisdom: Call upon me to claim your psychic power as a wise woman and the keeper of women's ancient mysteries. Remember the importance of honoring the dark, for only then can we participate fearlessly in the joys and challenges of life.

Hecate teaches us an important lesson, which is that the feminine should be valued for itself, not because it brings sexuality or power, but because deep within it there is an eternal wisdom. Hecate is also the High Priestess, the keeper of the Mysteries. Hecate is not the priestess who seeks the inner knowledge, but High Priestess who has found it and imparts it to others.

Hecate, who sits enthroned before the Veil of the Temple as the High Priestess, the card in the Tarot which is ruled by the Moon. To reach daylight on the other side of the Veil, we must all become at one with the Dark Mother of the night. Whether it be Hecate guarding the home or of the temple,

 She will avert evil and provides protections a triple Goddess, Hecate represents Maiden, Mother and Crone; mind, body and refuse to acknowledge.

   Many ignore the wisdom, the strength and the truth of Hecate because our fear of the darkness is so strong. Hecate is associated with the dark side of the moon, but this is the true Moon. The Moon has no light of its own, only reflected light from the sun. Dark is the Moon's true color as is Hecate's. Although most see Hecate as the third phase of the moon, She is actually a Triple Goddess in her own right.

  She is Hecate the maiden, Hecate the Mother, and Hecate the Crone. Hecate can be called upon during any moon phase, as She is the One and the Three. In pronouncing her name, in the Greek language the "H" is silent. So, to properly pronounce her name is "E-CA-TA" or "e-CO-ta."

Hecate enforces feminine independence from masculine influences and this deals in all things including the religion known as Wicca. Wicca is heavily influenced by the male God. The Sabbats are centered around the male God. The word Wicca is a male term....a term connected to the Goddess religion. 

Hecate is the Darksome Mother, in both the positive and in the negative sense. To those that dare to welcome Her, she brings creative inspiration. She is Hecate Antea, the Sender of Nocturnal Vision, and, typically of a Moon Goddess. She is Hecate Trivia, Goddess of the Crossroads.

 I am Mistress of the Night~The Three and the One
I am the Moon, the Sea, and Mother Earth
I am all that was, and is, and ever shall be.
I am the gentle breeze and the rain which nurtures all living things
I am all these things and more.
I have been with you from the beginning

and I shall be with you at the end of time~

As I grow older I identify with Hecate my dark mother more all the time. She is always for the underdog and remember before asking her to do something for you be very clear and certain as she will go after it with a vengance.

Hecate most times gives us what we need and not always what we want. No Matter what you will know that you have been touched by her

Before asking her to balance the scales between you and anyone make sure you have not intentionally harmed the other person because the scales will be balanced. This is good if you have been wronged but not if your doing with bad intentions.

She can only be envoked at night. Here are some way to honor her

To honor Hecate, erect her three-faced image at a crossroads where three roads meet.
 This is also where offerings to her are left, at Full Moon

. Honey, menstrual blood, roast meat, graveyard dirt

 (ground patchouli leaves, alone or mixed with other dried herbs), and eggs and onions\ that have been used to absorb negative vibrations in the home, are all suitable offerings to Hecate. Red wine, honey, and willow water, an infusion of
 willow bark, are appropriate for libations to her.

Charge of the Dark Goddess, Hecate

I am the Queen of Magick, hidden in the deepest night.
I am the mystery of the other world and the fear that coils
about your heart in the times of your trial. I am the soul of
nature that gives form to the Universe.My torches light the way for enlightenment and illumination.
My sickle of death cuts away things that are dead & no longer needed
It is I who awaits you at the end of your spiral dance.
I am She who has no secrets but a thousand secrets.
I am the aged Old Crone of Darkness who face of death
portends life anew and filled with Luna's secrets.
All acts of magick and mysteries are my rituals and

My greatest ritual is love itself.You who seek to remove My veil and know My true face,
Know that all your questing and efforts are for not,
Until thy own face beholds and knows the mysteries of they own self.
For you to truly know Me, you must look in your own heart
and know and accept thy self.

For those of you who call upon Me
and My powers for magick, beware!
For My magick is swift and without regards to the consequences.
Those that know Me shall glide safely through troubles,
For it is My dark cloak of protection that is wrapped about you.
Close your eyes My child and call to me, for I am there,
within your Darkness.


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