Monday, October 10, 2011

Some Hecate Facts

History Of Hecate

(hĕk´symboltē, hĕk´ĭt) , in Greek religion and mythology, goddess of ghosts and witchcraft
. Originally she seems to have been an extremely powerful and benevolent goddess, identified with three other goddesses–Selene (in heaven), Artemis (on earth), and Persephone (in the underworld). From the three supposedly came her image in Greek art as a figure with three bodies or three heads. Generally she is identified as a spirit of black magic, Persephone's attendant, with the power to conjure up dreams, phantoms, and the spirits of the dead. In the upper world she haunted graveyards and crossroads and was invisible to all eyes except those of the hounds who attended her.

A Greek goddess, daughter of Zeus and Demeter, but of uncertain origin. She appears to have been one of the original Titans, who ruled the heavens, earth, and sea and could bestow gifts on mortals as they pleased. Later she was confused with other goddesses until she became known as a mystic goddess having all the magic powers of nature at her command. Magicians and witches sought her aid, and sacrifices of dogs, honey, and female black lambs were offered to her where three ways met, at crossroads, or in graveyards. Festivals were held in her honor annually at Egina.
In appearance she was frightful, and serpents hung hissing around her shoulders. As a dark goddess of ghosts and moonlight, her propitiation was an early form of black magic and witchcraft. In Shakespeare's play Macbeth, Hecate is the leader of three witches who plot Macbeth's downfall.

In the earliest societies that revered the Moon as the Goddess, the third dark phase was personified as the Dark Goddess---wise, mysterious, and compassionate. The story of the Dark Goddess begins thousands of years ago in a time before recorded history, when the Moon was worshiped as a primary feminine divinity. The Dark Moon Goddess was loved and honored, and they accepted Her wisdom and Her mystery teachings of the dark. In her wisdom, which arises from experience, she encompasses the season of Winter and the underworld. Grounded in Her inner strength, the Dark Moon Goddess is filled with compassion and understanding. The Crone is the Sorrowing Mother who dispenses justice with both love and sadness. The Crone knows the laws must be upheld, but this does not keep Her from feeling sorrow when the verdict appears harsh to us. Injustice and imbalance, whatever forms, are detested by Her. We may not understand or see the balancing of life’s scales, but the Crone never rests until those scales are balanced.

She rules over the magickal arts, secret knowledge, and oracles. Her animal totems are those which live below the earth such as snakes, serpents, dragons; animals of the night, owls, ravens, crows and horses.

My point in this post is for you to begin to understand the dark mother. I dont understand her fully and probably never will. She is loyal to us she has many mysteries open yourself to her dont be afraid of her darkness because it lives within us all

 Her Mysteries include the contacting of spirits. It is through Her that we learn to prophesy, seeing clearly backward and forward through time. If we do not acknowledge the Crone, how can we "remember ourselves." Through the Dark Mother, and the records of our past lives, we learn the necessity of focusing our energy onto important things such as spiritual growth, living our lives the best we can and seeking the Goddess within. She does not seek us, we have to seek her. When we have finally reached the Divine center and sit at the Mother’s feet to receive knowledge, the Crone appears and beckons. The Dark Mother guides us with Her lantern of ultimate truth and wisdom, not running ahead as does the Maiden, but just before us with a firm, confident step. She teaches us that there are unlimited treasures within the treasures. We must seek the Crone for our magickal teachings, psychic powers and prophetic knowledge. These are things the Witch could never obtain in her day to day life. It is the night and to the Crone that she must turn to. The Crone holds the key of life; She is the light within the darkness, the Power behind the Mother’s throne. With Her aid, our eyes are opened to the deepest of spiritual mysteries, and we gain the knowledge that is needed.

As I always say I am a work in progress i listen to her voice it is often gentle. Sometimes very strong but always having my best interest in mind. She is the protector of us all.


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